Settlement Agreement Advice

If you’re in a dispute with your employer or are going through a redundancy process you may be offered a settlement agreement.

Can you be sure the agreement is fair? 

Have you been offered sufficient compensation for the loss of your job? 


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Settlement Agreements

Our specialist employment team are experts at providing advice on settlement agreements. 

We are often referred to as one of the most highly recommended solicitors for London for employment advice.

What is a Settlement Agreement?

A settlement agreement is a legally binding agreement created to terminate your employment. It usually provides for a severance payment made to you by your employer, in return for which you agree not to pursue any claim you may have at an Employment Tribunal. In order for the settlement agreement to be binding, you will need to take advice from a qualified employment lawyer. 

What does it cost?

In the vast majority of cases, your employer will cover all our charges for advising on the settlement agreement. This means you pay us nothing. No extra costs are incurred without your prior approval. 

How quickly can we deal with it?

A qualified employment lawyer will provide advice on your settlement agreement on the same day we receive it.

This advice can be over the telephone or in a ‘face to face’ meeting either in London or at our offices in Reading, whichever is most convenient for you.